South West Bike Trek 2021
Our annual South West Bike Trek is over for another year, with riders finishing their 6-day and 600 kilometre journey on 16 October. This year, the bike trek also went virtual for the first time ever, with supporters riding at their own place, in their own time.
This year, the bike trek saw 21 live riders and a handful of virtual riders raise a total of $43,392! We thank everyone who participated to help us reach this incredible result.
Riders of the live event travelled through the beautiful South West region, passing Fairbridge, Preston, Harvey, Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River and Augusta. This event was once again organised by loyal CLCRF supporter Eric Maddock, with the help of his wife Annette.
“It’s over for another year and I think it all went well,” said Eric. “We met up with lots of good friends made over quite a few years. And once again, we’ve enjoyed raising awareness and funds for this great cause to help so many sick kids.”
The live riders experienced dreadful weather at the start of their journey, but they were not deterred. “On our second day, we had a shocker,” explained Eric. “Nobody was feeling great. But then I read a post from CLCRF about a poor little 8-year-old who lost his fight against leukaemia, and I remembered why we do this ride every year. We sat and cried.”
As always, there are many people and businesses that need to be thanked for helping our riders out along the way. A huge thank you to the following:
- Binningup Seniors Club
- Café Mooba
- Jarra Infusion
- The Beach Shak Café
- Mr Barker Chicken
- Coles Warnbro
- IGA Shoalwater
- Woolworths Greenfields
- Smart Diet Solutions
- Harvey Professional & Business Women
- Scope Engineering
- Swings and Roundabouts
- Bunbury Toyota
- Cornelia Ewald
- Falcon Lions
- Pinjarra Rotary
- Waroona Lions
- Harvey Rotary
- Harvey Council
- Harvey Primary School
- South Bunbury Rotary
- Eaton Scout Camp
- Boyanup Lions
- Busselton Rotary
- Jurrian and Wendy at Camp Grace
- Cowarramup Lions
- Margaret River Rotary
- Leeuwin Lions
“Without the help we get from all of these people, we could not do this,” expressed Eric. “So I must extend a huge thanks to each and every one of them and also to Annette Maddock and all the riders over the past 20 years; thank you guys and ladies for a great job.”
We thank Eric for his dedication and support. Year after year, Eric has led a safe and successful event, all for the love of the cause. “My hope is we will continue towards a goal of zero deaths from this terrible illness,” Eric expressed.
We look forward to another successful event in 2022.